
Google Photos gets new update, adds improved ‘Memories’ feature

Earlier this year in May, Google introduced a new feature called Memories in the Google Photos app. The recently added feature lets users take a look back at photos from years past, favourite activities and moments spent with their loved ones.  Now, the tech giant is rolling out an update to Google Photos Memories.
Starting with the biggest change, Memories now features video snippets. While Google says the video snippets intelligently select the most important part of the video, users now have the ability to select, trim and save these video snippets.
Photos will now have a zoom effect applied, but this is different from the full dynamic zoom on Cinematic Photos. Seems like Google will also be adding whling music to user certain clips. Then there is the ability to swipe up or down or navigate between Memories in addition to the normal left and right tap navigation options.

The updated Google Photos app now lets users combine multiple images into a ‘Full Cinematic Memory’ which uses the dynamic 3D zoom from Cinematic photos and plays instrumental music on top. The tech giant says it will introduce the ability to add instrumental music to other Memories next month.
Apart from this, a new collage editor will enable both Android and iOS users to edit or drag and drop photos in a user-chosen layout and share it with their friends. If you happen to be a Google One subscription or own a Pixel device, you will get some more features like HDR and Portrait Light. The recent Google Photos update also adds a new feature called ‘Style’ that automatically applies graphic art to memories.
Google Photos will now let users access ‘Shared Memories’ from within the app on any device running on Android. Google says web and iOS will be supported in the near future.

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