
Man from New York explains in Hindi why he likes Mumbai more | Trending

A video shared Instagram blogger Sanjay Meriya showing a man from New York has left people amused. The video shows the foreigner explaining why he likes Mumbai better than NYC and that too in Hindi. Chances are, the video will amaze you too.

The video shows the man from New York who shared about his experience of living in Mumbai in Hindi.(Instagram/@thespindoclive)

“Met a random New Yorker who happened to live in India for 5 years! He spoke amazing Hindi and he described his life in Mumbai like king size and in New York as full of hustle! What a guy! Also offered us free tickets to a Broadway show as he is MD there. Andre bhai OP,” reads the caption posted along with the video.
We won’t give away everything the video shows, so take a look:

The video was posted back in January. Since being shared, the clip has accumulated more than 3.6 million views and the numbers are only increasing. The share has also collected several likes and comments. People posted various comments while reacting to the video.Here’s how Instagram users reacted:“Andre passed the vibe check,” wrote an Instagram user. “I have met this guy too. He knows Gujarati too,” commented another. “Me when I go to study abroad,” expressed a third. Many reacted to the video with laughing out loud emoticons.

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