Leopard slowly walks towards deer and catches it, netizens are amazed. Watch | Trending

If you are someone who enjoys watching videos of wildlife, then you have come to the right place. Wildlife can be truly fascinating in a lot of ways. One gets to witness several things, like how an animal takes care of their newborn or how they find their prey. And a recent video that has gone viral on Twitter shows a Leopard hunting a deer.In a video shared Indian Forest Service officer Ramesh Pandey, you can see a leopard relaxing on the ground. There is a deer that is standing close to the wild animal. Then the leopard slowly comes close enough to the deer and runs after it. The deer is taken aback and runs towards the field.Take a look at the video here:
This post was shared one day back. Since being uploaded, it has been liked hundreds of times and has 7000 views. The post also has several reactions.Many were surprised the patience of the animal. Take a look at some of the comments below:One person in the Twitter comments said, “I must say… their patience level is high.” A second person added, “He certainly works for his food.” Another person wrote, “Incredible patience and focus.” A fourth user commented, “Intelligence & Agility… hallmark of any SUCCESS.”
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