
My self-esteem is questioned”: M. Kharge after the Raja Sabha Mike controversy

Opposition lawmakers have made statements in both the National Assembly and the Indian parliament calling for discussion of the current situation in Manipur. Parliament Speaker Malikaljun Kharge said Wednesday that his own “self-esteem” was called into question after Raja Sabha’s microphone was turned off while he was speaking. The move comes amid riots in the House of Commons as opposition lawmakers chant slogans and demand a statement from Prime Minister Narendra Modi over three months of ethnic violence in Manipur. In response, members of the Bharatiya Janata Party-led ruling coalition began shouting “Modi, Modi,” throwing the House of Commons into chaos. The case was postponed until noon.

“It was a violation of my privilege. That’s an insult to me. My self-esteem was challenged. “I understand that if the House of Representatives is run at the direction of the government, it’s not a democracy,” he said.
The opposition leader in the House of Lords expressed his anger after his speech was cut off, prompting immediate protests from opposition lawmakers. Raja Sabah chairman Jagdeep Dhankar urged them to take their seats. Told that there were several parliamentarians behind Mr Kaji, the parliamentary leader said, “Just peach he kade agar nahi honge to kya modi ke peach he kade honge?” If they don’t stand behind me, they will stand behind me). Will Modi stand? )?)” Mr. Dhankar and several members smiled at Mr. Khaji’s remark.
Mr Dhankar appealed to Mr Kaage and Speaker of the House Piyush Goyal to help restore order. Despite these efforts, bitter exchanges continued.

The chairman made it clear that the microphone had not been switched off. Mr Dhankar said Mr Khaji was given a seat when the legislative issue was debated in the House of Commons.

The opposition coalition, known as the Indian National Development and Inclusion Alliance, also submitted a no-confidence motion against the government in parliament.

On the fifth day of the monsoon season, when Parliament reconvened at 11:00 a.m., the agenda included a statement by Union Minister Jitendra Singh on the implementation of the recommendations of the Standing Committee, proposed amendments to the Birth and Death Registration Act 1969, and the It included motions for elections. Council of the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore.

The central government has announced that it is ready to discuss the situation in Manipur, despite opposition parties calling for discussion of a settlement proposal that will require a vote. Addressing opposition leaders in both houses of parliament, Home Minister Amit Shah reiterated the government’s willingness to discuss the issue and called for cross-party cooperation.

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