
North Korea reports 6 deaths after admitting Covid-19 outbreak

North Korea said Friday that six people died and 3.5 lakh have been treated for a fever that has spread “explosively” across the nation, a day after its first acknowledgement of a Covid-19 outbreak.
The true scale is unclear, but a big Covid-19 outbreak could be devastating in a country with a broken healthcare system and an unvaccinated, malnourished population. North Korea, which likely does not have sufficient Covid-19 tests and other medical equipment, said it did not know the case of the mass fevers.
The North’s official Korean Central News Agency said of the 3.5 lakh people who developed fevers since late April, 1,62,200 have recovered. It said 18,000 people were newly found with fever symptoms on Thursday alone, and 1,87,800 people are being isolated for treatment.
One of the six people who died was confirmed infected with the omicron variant, KCNA said, but it was not immediately clear how many of the total illnesses were Covid-19.
North Korea imposed a nationwide lockdown Thursday after acknowledging a Covid-19 outbreak for the first time in the pandemic. Those reports said tests from an unspecified number of people came back positive for the omicron variant.
In this photo provided the North Korean government, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, center, attends a meeting of the Central Committee of the ruling Workers’ Party in Pyongyang, North Korea, May 12, 2022. (Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service via AP)
It is possible that the spread of the virus was accelerated a massive military parade in Pyongyang on April 25, where North Korean leader Kim Jong Un took centre stage and showcased the most powerful missiles of his military nuclear programme in front of tens of thousands.
Cheong Seong-Chang, an analyst at South Korea’s Sejong Institute, said the pace of the fever’s spread suggests the crisis could last months and possibly into 2023, causing major disruption in the poorly equipped country.
Some experts say the North’s initial announcement communicates a willingness to receive outside aid. It previously shunned vaccines offered the UN-backed COVAX dribution programme, possibly because they have international monitoring requirements.
South Korea’s Unification Minry, which handles inter-Korean affairs, said the South was willing to provide medical assance and other help to North Korea based on humanitarian considerations.
KCNA said Kim was briefed about the fever when he visited the emergency epidemic prevention headquarters on Thursday and criticised officials for failing to prevent “a vulnerable point in the epidemic prevention system”.
He said the spread of the fever has been centred around capital Pyongyang and near areas and underscored the importance of isolating all work, production and residential units from one another while providing residents with every convenience during the lockdown
“It is the most important challenge and supreme tasks facing our party to reverse the immediate public health crisis situation at an early date, restore the stability of epidemic prevention and protect the health and well-being of our people,” KCNA quoted Kim as saying.
North Korea’s claim of a perfect record in keeping out the virus for two-and-a-half years was widely doubted. But South Korean officials have said North Korea had likely avoided a huge outbreak until now, in part because it instituted strict virus controls almost from the start of the pandemic.
Describing its anti-coronavirus campaign as a matter of “national exence”, North Korea had severely restricted cross-border traffic and trade and is even believed to have ordered troops to shoot on sight any trespassers who cross its borders.
The border closures further battered an economy already damaged decades of mismanagement and crippling US-led sanctions over its nuclear weapons and missile programme, pushing Kim to perhaps the toughest moment of his rule since he took power in 2011.
Hours after confirming the outbreak Thursday, North Korea launched three short-range ballic missiles toward the sea, South Korea and Japan said, in what possibly was a show of strength after Kim publicly acknowledged the virus outbreak. It was the North’s 16th round of missile launches this year.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the United States supported international aid efforts but does not plan to share its vaccine supplies with the North.
“We do continue to support international efforts aimed at the provision of critical humanitarian aid to the most vulnerable North Koreans, and this is, of course, a broader part of the DPRK continuing to exploit its own citizens not accepting this type of aid,” Psaki said Thursday in Washington, referring to North Korea its formal name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
“It is not just vaccines. It is also a range of humanitarian assance that could very much help the people and the country and instead they divert resources to build their unlawful nuclear and ballic missiles programmes.”

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