
‘I’m not getting paid even half of what Tiger is to look the way he does!’: Krishna Shroff

There was a time when Krishna Shroff, in her own words, “was extremely lazy and lacked direction in life”. But instead of giving in to the feeling, she decided to do something “life-changing”. Thus began her fitness journey. Needless to say, there has been no looking back since, and in fact, she is a successful fitness entrepreneur today. But, it’s not just Krishna, her brother Tiger is equally admired for his passion for fitness, and the many workout goals he sets and aces with effortless ease!
In an exclusive email interview with , Krishna, who features in MuscleBlaze’s latest campaign ‘Ladies Who Lift’, opened up about her love for working out, busts myths around weightlifting for women, body-shaming, her equation with Tiger Shroff, and a why despite being born with a “silver spoon” there was immense pressure. Read on to know more.
A glance at social media is enough to prove your love for fitness. What does it mean to you?
Fitness has given me a purpose in life and a place in society — an identity of my own, which I thought was impossible given my background.

You often set fitness goals with your workouts. What does your daily routine cons of?
I prefer to start my day with a workout because it sets the tone for the rest of the day. I feel more energised, not just for the workout, but for the rest of my day. It really gets me going on a positive note. I combine weightlifting and cardio, but in order to maintain muscle tone in my body, I keep my cardio slow and steady, so even a light 40-minute walk on the treadmill to start my day and get my blood flowing is enough to see the results I want.

But it is not only you, even your brother — Tiger Shroff — is a fitness enthusiast. Do you often work out together, and even challenge each other at the gym?
We’ve worked out together a few times and even shared the same trainer for a while, so it’s a complete myth that women can’t work out the same way a man does. He’s also someone I look up to, and keeping up with him (being the superhero he is) is difficult enough.
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How would you describe your relationship with Tiger, at and outside the gym?
Tiger and I have always had a special bond. He is my greatest source of support in all aspects of my life, and he is the person I feel the safest and most secure around no matter what.

Weightlifting is often believed to bulk up a woman’s physique, making many stay away from the exercise. What, according to you, are some of the biggest myths surrounding fitness, especially when it comes to women?
That has to be the most significant. As previously stated, a woman and a man can train in the same way and achieve the same results. Because we don’t naturally produce the same amount of testosterone as men, it’s physically impossible for women to gain the same amount of muscle as men (unless they use certain enhancers). The heavier you lift, the more calories you burn, and if your nutrition supports your goals, the more lean muscle mass you gain. In the end, muscle takes up less space in your body than fat, making you appear more snatched overall.
How and when did your fitness journey begin?
My fitness journey began approximately 6.5 years ago. I was extremely lazy and lacked direction in my life at the time. That’s when I realized I needed to do something life-changing for myself. I was reading a lot of negative comments about myself on the internet, specifically about my weight. I decided to roll with it, use it as fuel, and now we’re here… allow me to hear it now.

You have also opened up about being body-shamed in the past. How did you tide over it?
I was extremely sensitive to it, but only because people cannot handle the truth. It made me feel very insecure. However, I was able to channel all of those emotions in the most positive way. It led me to this lifestyle, for which I will be eternally grateful. I do want to emphasise that it is critical for people to understand that not everyone will or can handle that level of toxicity well, so try to avoid saying anything at all if you don’t have anything nice to say.

Though you have stayed away from the film industry, have you ever felt the pressure of being Jacky Shroff’s daughter, and Tiger’s ser, and at times, even compared? If yes, in what ways, and how do you deal with such situations?
Absolutely. Yes, we were born with a “silver spoon,” but we’ve also succumbed to a lot more pressure because of the legacy we’re expected to keep up with or surpass. I used to let it get to me a lot. However, I’ve been blessed with so much love and support from so many people who also believe in my vision and passion — which has made them appreciate me for who I am and what I do. I truly believe that if your intent is pure, there will always be longevity in it.

What lengths have you gone to achieve your weight loss goals — can you discuss in detail, the diet, the exercises, and all things in between?
People think that’s all it is: your training and nutrition regime. There are so many more sacrifices along the way. When I first began my journey, I wouldn’t see my friends for months. I missed out on holidays, birthdays, events, etc. because it really has to become your lifestyle. My training and nutrition haven’t changed much, but I’ve also realised the importance of rest and recovery in order to keep doing this long-term. I make it a point to get 7-9 hours of sleep every single night and do at least one or two sessions of physiotherapy a week for a full body release. This helps me push harder in my training sessions to come.
What does your and Tiger’s cheat meal/day look like? What do you love to indulge in when on a break from fitness?
Tiger and I are very different when it comes to this. He’s an extrem, whereas now, I believe in balance. He’ll take that one day a week to indulge in everything he’s missed out on. For him, it’s usually anything and everything sweet. He’s got a major sweet tooth. That’s something I don’t particularly crave—I’m more of a savoury type of person, so for me, it’s things like pizza, burgers, noodles, etc. I won’t limit myself to one day a week though—I’ll usually go how I’m feeling; however, I’ll compensate for it with my workout or the rest of my day’s nutrition plan. I’m not getting paid even half of what he is to look the way he does though, so that’s definitely got to be some extra incentive!

The one tip you would like to give to someone who is just starting their fitness journey.
It’s important to remember that your journey will be individual to who you are, so don’t be demotivated other’s progress. Focus on your own path and do something to be better than you were yesterday every single day. YOU should be your only competition.
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