
Can pizza and dessert lovers lose weight?

Weight loss is the result of many factors, including your diet, eating habits, genes, metabolism, how hard you exercise and what kind of activities you do. Many people assume that in order to lose weight they may have to give up on their favourite foods and reduce the amount of food they eat every day.
But, experts from Myprotein — UK’s leading sports and nutrition brand — are of the opinion that if someone is trying to lose weight, one of the best things they can do is eat their favourite foods. And, it does not only apply to people who love their salads but also those who are fans of pizzas!
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The experts l the following dietary points for people looking to shed a few kilos; read on.

1. Fat and sugar
Many people are led to believe they can only lose weight if they go on a diet that eliminates all the foods they love. But, this is wrong. Nothing should be off the menu when you are trying to lose weight. While highly restrictive diets may lead to short-term weight loss, they are often unsustainable, leading to weight gain over a longer period.
2. Strict diets
Strict diets are a no-no. They are not well-balanced, and you can end up with some serious nutrient deficiencies. The amount of protein is also negligible, and you can say goode to any hope of gains.
What is important is moderation. It is possible to create a well-balanced diet while on a calorie deficit. For this, you will need adequate protein and a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods like fruits, veggies, whole grains and legumes, which have plenty of vitamins, minerals and fibre. This allows you to feel fuller. And if you get your calculations right, there should be enough calories left over to include some treats.

3. Eating whatever you want
The biggest driver of weight loss is a calorie deficit, but the most important factor for success is consency and the ability to maintain a diet long term. Extreme diets work well initially. People lose weight due to the initial calorie deficit, but eventually give up because the diet is strict, and the food choices are limited.
4. Flexible dieting
A flexible diet allows people to eat a wide variety of foods and have some treats. It leads to a better relationship with food, because it stops you from labelling foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. It can also lead to more successful and sustainable weight loss in the long term.

If you are craving sweet treats while you are trying to lose weight, then it is not an issue. Use up any leftover calories for a slice of pizza or a chocolate bar. Denying yourself the foods you love is not a sustainable diet choice.
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