
David Blaine freaks out The Tonight Show’s host Jimmy Fallon with ‘nail eating’ stunt; all the times he’s done the inexplicable

American illusion art David Blaine freaked out The Tonight Show‘s host Jimmy Fallon and the audience with his mind-boggling trick of eating not one but a bowl full of nails. The 49-year-old, who is known for indulging in a variety of risky stunts, also spit put a frog leaving Fallon even more shocked.


This is not the first time that Blaine, also an endurance art and extreme performer, wowed with his inexplicable feat.
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Blaine, who has several world records to his name owing to his various endurance feats, has blown the world before with stunts like locking himself in a fishbowl and standing freely atop a thin, and tall pillar for 35 hours in New York City.

Know more about the performer and some of his top stunts
Blaine, who was born “asthmatic with the lower-than-average lung capacity” according to American actor Woodrow Tracy Harrelson, broke the record as a teenager of Harry Houdini, a Hungarian-American escape art and illusion’s stunt of three minutes 30 seconds underwater. Then, in 1997, Blaine who was 23 at that time, made his debut on television with a street special magic show. Two years later, he went on to perform his first endurance event where he was buried alive for seven days and nights without food.
In 2000, the illusion art was encased in a giant block of ice in Times Square for three days and three nights. “After 63 hours, suffering immense pain and hallucinations, he was rushed to the hospital. It eventually took him months to recover,” a video on his YouTube mentioned.

In the mid of 2001, Blaine stood on a pillar which was 22 inches wide and 100 feet tall above Bryant Park. After 35 hours, severely dehydrated and sleep deprived, he concluded the stunt jumping down a pile of cardboard boxes that left him with a concussion and fractured rib.
In 2002, Blaine was in a plexiglass box suspended high in the air next to Tower Bridge in London; he fasted on nothing but water for 44 days.
On April 30, 2008, he broke the world record holding his breath underwater for 17 minutes and four seconds on the Oprah Winfrey Show.
He has also shot a bullet into his mouth twice, withstood electricity volts through his body for three days on the trot, and swallowed a deadly amount of kerosene and water and spout them out at will recreating an act 20th-century illusion Hadji Ali.

Why does he do it?
According to his YouTube channel, pushing through the pain to achieve what seems impossible is a “more gratifying form of magic”.
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