Keep thyroid problems away with these yoga postures
The scourge of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism has reached alarming levels in India with one in every ten persons suffering from it. The cause has been tracked down to a lack of iodine in food intake, polluted water, pesticides, bad dietary habits, stress and tension. The good news is that yoga and diet can help in eliminating the problem or in chronic or intense problems, can bring it down to manageable levels.
The butterfly-shaped thyroid glands located in the neck area produce hormones T3 and T4, which are responsible for metabolism, reproduction, neural development and growth. In hypothyroidism, there is low production of this hormone, resulting in obesity, cardiac problems and infertility. In hyperthyroidism, there is excess release of this hormone resulting in hyperactivity, irritability, loss of weight, skin and eye problems.
In yoga, there are two significant practices with their counterposes which help activate and regulate the thyroid gland. What is more, these asanas not only cure thyroid problems but are also anti-ageing practices because they keep the spine supple, activate the thyroid glands and increase blood supply to the brain, thus keeping you mentally young and active. A supple spine keeps you young and a stiff spine results in senility, says Swami Satyananda Saraswati.
Bhastrika with Jalandhar Bandha
Sit in any meditational posture like padmasana or vajranasa with spine straight and body relaxed. Gently close your eyes, then perform forceful inhalation and exhalation in rapid succession. Do a minimum of 50 rounds, then stop and let your breathing stabilise. Then place your palms flat on your knees, keeping elbows straight. Take a deep breath, then exhale completely and drop your chin to the chest, lock your throat area and place your tongue on the upper palate, thus locking the throat area completely while holding in exhalation. Hold the bandha as long as it is possible, then inhale and release your bandha. This is one round. Do between 3-5 rounds.
End your yoga practice with 5 rounds of Bhrahmari. In this, you plug your ears, take a deep breath and as you exhale, you chant Om with a short A and O and prolong the last syllable M for as long as you can and feel the vibrations of “mmmmmm” like a humming bee in your head.
Thyroid glands use iodine from food to make T3 and T4 hormones. Therefore, diet has to be supplemented with foods rich in iodine like jamun fruit, water chestnuts and iodised salt. Dry fruits should be soaked overnight and had in the morning. Food, which is refined or processed or is rich in sugar, carbohydrates, carbonated drinks, soya, dairy products must be avoided.
(Kamini Bobde is a Kundalini practitioner who follows the Swami Satyananda Saraswati tradition of yoga. She is the author of Kundalini Yoga for All: Unlock the Power of Your Body and Brain. Published Penguin)