
These foods can be eaten in more quantities than others without any adverse health effects

Many people, who have embarked on a weight loss journey, limit their consumption of food so as to shed excess weight. It can be almost punishing; experts say that it is important to len to your body and eat healthy, as opposed to reducing the intake of food. Sometimes, people also wonder if they can consume some foods limitlessly, hoping they will not lead to some kind of adverse health effect, and in fact, promote health. But that seldom happens.

Dr Rohini Patil, MBBS, nutrition and CEO of Nutracy Lifestyle, says nothing can be beneficial if eaten in an unrestricted manner. “When we consider that there are some food items that can be eaten limitlessly, we become dependent on them — like emotional support. “The idea of having to eat something when you want to is fine, but limitlessly consuming it is a no-no. It could be a sign of an eating disorder and that can lead to not focusing on other meals,” she explains.
The expert adds that although it might not be the best way to look at your diet, there are certain types of foods that can be eaten in more quantities than others. Here are some of them; read on.

* Vitamin C-rich foods: Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, which means, it will not be toxic to the human body even if taken in larger quantities, as it will be removed from urine. It is necessary for the growth, development, and repair of all body tissues. It’s involved in many body functions that include the formation of collagen, absorption of iron, proper functioning of the immune system, wound healing, and maintenance of cartilage, teeth, and bones. Additionally, the antioxidant properties of Vitamin C-rich foods not only help in guarding against chronic diseases but also protect the eyes and lower the risk of cataracts.
Seeds and skin of the cucumber have most of the nutritional value, so do not peel it off. (Photo: Pixabay)
* Blueberries: They are also rich in antioxidants and have disease-preventing properties. They improve immunity and are also effective in fighting diabolical diseases and can help in regulating blood sugar levels. Consuming berries may also strengthen metabolism and prevent any type of metabolic syndrome and deficiency. One need not worry about weight while eating berries as they have very few calories and are loaded with fibre.

* Foods with high water content: Foods like cucumber, watermelon are full of water and have very low amounts of calories. Seeds and skin of the cucumber have most of the nutritional value, so do not peel it off. Foods with naturally-high water content prevent heart disease; antioxidants help in cellular regeneration and slow down the aging process. They are good for the heart, too.
“Whatever you eat, it is important to keep in mind the portion size. Eating too much of something can have side effects, too, which will harm your overall health,” the expert concludes.
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