
Reduce body heat naturally with this simple Ayurvedic remedy

Mouth ulcers and heat boils are common concerns, faced many people. But, have you ever wondered why do they occur? One of the reasons why you get these is probably because of body heat. According to Dr Rekha Radhamony, an Ayurveda expert, if not all, some people do feel body heat. This heat can manifest in different forms in different people.
“Excess body heat is nothing but an imbalance of Pitta. Of the three doshas, Pitta is described as oily, sharp, and hot. So what we often experience as body heat, characterised increased body temperature, red, sensitive skin, mouth ulcers, intolerance to heat, sweating, heartburn, loose stools, boils, acidity, anger, and irritability is an imbalance of Pitta dosha,” explained Dr Archana Sukumaran, an Ayurveda doctor (BAMS) at Kerala Ayurveda.
“Some people may get mouth ulcers, some may get heat boils and still some could get an outburst of anger. Some people are generally warm nature,” Dr Rekha said in an Instagram video.
What causes body heat?
Dr Archana led the following causes of increased body heat:

*Eating a Pitta-provoking diet – Consuming food that is hot, spicy, fermented, salty, oily, or fried can cause an imbalance of Pitta. Alcohol and caffeine are sharp and hot and provoke Pitta dosha.
*Exposure to excessive sun or heat – Excessive exposure to the sun may lead to increased body heat and imbalance of Pitta.
*Excessive physical activity – Since moving muscles and associated blood circulation generate a lot of heat, this may increase body temperature.

Dr Rekha shared a simple Ayurvedic remedy that can help reduce this body heat. Soak 8 gm of crushed coriander seeds in 50 ml water, cover it and leave it overnight. The next morning, strain and consume the water on an empty stomach, she suggested.

According to the expert, the remedy not only reduces the body heat but is also beneficial in reducing burning sensation, excessive thirst, and cleansing the channels and it is great for balancing pitta as well.
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