
‘I lost control of my body and self-worth’: Sameera Reddy opens up about postpartum depression after first ba

Motherhood is one of the most joyful experiences for a woman. But not many people talk about the flip side to it — postpartum depression. Also known as ba blues, is it quite common among new mothers who experience a complex mix of physical, emotional and behavioural changes after giving birth. From frequent mood swings and anxiety to insomnia and depressive episodes, postpartum depression manifests itself in many ways.
However, despite it being extremely commonplace, little attention is paid towards new mothers experiencing postpartum depression, worsening their situation further. Spreading awareness about the same while also detailing her experience of battling with it is actor Sameera Reddy who frequently champions causes such as body positivity and a healthy lifestyle through her social media profile.

Talking about her deteriorated mental health after her first ba, the 43-year-old wrote, “I questioned myself so many times if I should have a second ba. I was a complete wreck after my firstborn. PPD hit me like a brick. I lost control of my body and my self-worth.”
Apart from affecting her mentally and physically, it also affected the actor’s married life, she shared. “And it took a toll on my marriage because I had no clue how to handle it. I had a rock of a husband, amazing in-laws and my family that never let my hand go through it all and that really helped.”
“So many women ask me how I knew I wanted another child. Honestly, everyone’s journey is different and it’s hard to pin down what makes you sure. But I will tell you that the only thing I knew is that this little girl, my Nyra, showed me how fearless I am and I knew it was my decision and I could handle it because those sleepless nights, the body changes and the adjustment to the firstborn is not easy .. but it’s not difficult either. So many factors — financial, emotional or just plain support that can make it the right or wrong decision,” she added, elaborating upon her decision to have another child.

Emphasising the strength of women, Sameera said, “Women are stronger than they give themselves credit for. And our gut instinct is the most powerful voice if we just len and believe. I trusted mine and I’m so glad I did. Whatever your voice is saying, even if it’s choosing not to be a mom or to stay single or to have more than one child. It’s your choice and no one can pressure you otherwise. Trust your instinct.”

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