
Home décor: How to declutter and create an organised space

Your home is a safe space, a place where you can rest and feel rejuvenated. However, if you are a neat freak, most of your time may be spent cleaning and organising your things — which, often, can get tiring.
But, worry no more. Decluttering no longer needs to be a cause of concern. In fact, it’s one of the most cost-effective ways to give a fresh spin to your exing home décor. Read on to find out handy tips and tricks that will help you bid goode to all your clutter woes.

Take a look at the suggestions below and try them out.
Declutter one room at a time

De-cluttering your entire house at once may seem like a mammoth task. Hence, reduce the effort picking out one corner or room at a time. Not only will it help you save time, it will also give you a sense of satisfaction every time you finish cleaning out. We recommend beginning with small table tops or dressing room corners to gauge how much time you take to finish one area, and accordingly proceed.
Set aside time to declutter

No, you do not need to set aside an entire day to declutter your house! Instead, eke out 10-20 minutes of your time everyday and fold all your washed laundry or tidy up your work desk. Not only will it help you take your mind off of stress, but will also ensure that your home remains clutter free.

Recycling is the way to go

If you find it difficult to throw away things that are cluttering up your house, recycling may be the option for you! Not only is it cost-effective but also prevents more waste, and is thus a sustainable option. Useful but aesthetically pleasing ways in which you can recycle common everyday household items are:
*Use empty or broken plastic containers as plant holders.
*Don’t throw away glass bottles, instead use them as flower vases, plant holders, repurposed pickle jars, repurposed milk jars etc.
*Don’t throw away organic or vegetable waste from your house, instead use them as homemade fertilisers.
Will you use any of these suggestions? Let us know!
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