
Rejection helps you stay grounded, patient: Here’s why it is a positive experience

Have you ever felt like giving up because things are not going at your expected pace? Have you ever felt like leaving what you are doing because you see no growth? Or felt like ending it all because of rejections? Well, whenever you feel low and overwhelmed negative emotions, remind yourself that you are not meant to quit your dreams but to continue moving forward despite all the obstacles. Nothing can stop you from achieving what you want if you are dedicated enough.

We all get to hear this time-to-time that failures and rejections are the best teachers. Rejections and failures might not be pleasant at first, but extremely important in order to succeed in life. They help you stay grounded, and patience comes automatically. We stay focused because there’s a constant reminder that we need to work harder. So, it is best if we get to experience rejections and failure at an early age.
Magna Gopal, in this insightful TEDx Talk explains the benefits of rejection. Take a look at the video here.

“I’m not sure about all of you but as hard as it is for me to hear the word ‘no’, it’s always been much harder for me to tell someone ‘no’, because if saying ‘no’ hurts, then I’m responsible for hurting something, someone. And since hurting someone is not socially acceptable, I always had this feeling that rejecting someone isn’t either. Unfortunately, we live in this world where being agreeable is praised over being objectionable,” she says.
Rejection is an opportunity to rediscover, reevaluate, and explore different paths, yourself, and this time better. Rejection is inevitable. It comes to everyone. So, do not stop, do not look back, do not take it to a heart, and keep moving forward.
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