
Blossom today, if want to blossom forever!

In today’s immensely busy and competitive time we talk so much about success and growth. But somewhere we tend to forget that internal growth lies in the path of selflessness.
If you truly want to grow internally and feel good about it, then put others first before yourself. If you truly want to do something for somebody, if you truly value them, then you must do what they want, not what you want.
Most of us want a healthy relationship with somebody without doing anyone for them selflessly; life gets simpler when we put others first.

In this beautiful speech, Sadhguru explains: “If you want to do something for someone, the best thing is to do what they want, not what you want.”
Similarly, he says the best thing you can do for your guru is to “drop your nonsense and grow”. Which simply means, “Nothing will make your guru happier than your success and peace”. Every guru wants to see their students and their followers grow, as he also mentions, the best thing a garden can do for a gardener is to “blossom beautifully”.

He asks not to think in terms of weeks and months and years and decades or lifetimes, but in terms of moments because life is in moments. Life is a beautiful journey, a roller coaster ride and we should live every bit of it. So, stop thinking much about the future and live in the present, because if you focus on today then tomorrow will blossom beautifully.
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