
Summer alert: Take care of your skin with these effective Ayurvedic tips

Summer is not just harsh on your health but on your skin and hair, too. The sweltering heat, coupled with dust and pollution, can make the skin look greasy, dull, and uneven. As such, it becomes crucial to pamper your skin this season. But, if you think you need to splurge on cosmetics for radiant skin in summers — allow us to break it to you that it’s not!

With some simple yet effective Ayurvedic remedies, you can get the skin of your dreams this season, said Ayurvedic practitioner Dr Nitika Kohli. She said, “Summers have always been a tough time for our skin. Whether our skin is dry, oily, or sensitive, summer heat just challenges our skin health. That’s why we thought of bringing some really easy and natural ways of keeping your skin healthy in this summer heat.”

Follow these natural and easy Ayurvedic ways for glowing skin in summers.
*Always remember your skin needs water, the expert said. Just like your body, your skin tends to get hydrated during summers so keep the water level intact drinking enough water. It is important for healthy and glowing skin.
*Dr Kohli recommended eating seasonal fruits to keep the body’s hydration in check. Fruits such as watermelon and musk melon are water-rich, and easily available in the summer months.

*Add traditional sattu drink to your meals, she suggested. “Summer heat can drain your energy and make you feel dehydrated all the time. This flour-made desi drink made of roasted chana, with its cooling properties, is considered the powerhouse of energy that keeps the gut cool and skin super happy.”
Additionally, regularly applying good sunscreen and cleansing your face thoroughly are recommended experts to keep the skin healthy this season.
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