
Why you should always keep your AC temperature at 24-25 degrees Celsius

To deal with the humid and hot weather, many of us like to sit right in front of the air conditioner. Similarly, in winters, there seems to be nothing better than a blower.
But does exposure to such extreme temperatures affect one’s health in any way?
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Experts suggest that extreme temperatures can have a harmful impact on health. Speaking with , Dr Rajat Agarwal, Additional Director, Critical Care Medicine, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute said, “It is advisable to maintain the AC temperature at 24-25 degrees Celsius as it is considered most optimum for healthy bodily functions.”

 Talking about the harmful effects of extremely low temperature, he said, “AC thermostats set at too low temperatures as compared to our body temperature can cause increased skin damage owing to low humidity inside the rooms.” Consequently, he added, “Skin tissue produces excess body oil to compensate for the reduced sweat production which may, eventually, cause skin blemishes, acne, premature wrinkles, and skin irritation.”
He also added that extremely high temperature can lead to “excess sweat production, closed pores to retrieve the moure and thus leading to a disbalance in skin functioning.”

Other harmful impacts include “the hampering of thermal regulation of our body” and the “spread of and viral germs in cold and dry air.”  Extreme temperatures can even trigger asthma or migraine episodes, he added.
Informing about the long-term impacts, he said that it can lead to premature ageing, excess hair fall, skin disorders, and allergies. “Dry throat, rhinitis, and nasal blockages,” are some of the other long-term impacts.
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