CG News

Baghel exhorts babus to make C’garh villages prosper

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Friday called upon the IAS officials to make efforts so that villages prosper.

He was speaking as the Chief Guest at an IAS conclave held here in Nava Raipur.

Baghel said each village was an ‘independent Republic’ with their own law. “We have to take them into confidence and make an effort to provide them livelihood option in the villages itself.”

Reiterating his commitment to strengthen the rural economy, Baghel said the villages should be made production hubs while cities near them should be become the market for their products.

Saying that IAS officers play a key role in implementing government schemes, he said schemes were good but implementation the ground level needed administrative acumen.

The Chief Secretary appealed to his colleagues to always give the right suggestion to the elected representatives.

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