
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Are you more at risk if it runs in the family?

Breast cancer is one of the most common and fatal cancers among women, followed cervical cancer. As per a report the National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research, together they accounted for 39.4 per cent of all cancer cases in 2020. As such, it becomes imperative to know more about this fatal disease and its many risk factors. But before diving deep into it, it must be noted that while there are several risk factors that often influence the development of cancer, most do not directly cause it.
“Yes, as people with no known risk factors develop cancer while those with several risk factors never do,” said Dr T. Sujit, Consultant Radiation Oncolog, American Oncology Institute, Coimbatore. However, knowing the risk factors is always essential as it might help one make more informed lifestyle and health-related choices. “Family hory is one of the common contributors to an increased risk of breast cancer,” he added.
About 5-10 per cent of breast cancer cases are hereditary and are caused inherited mutations in the BRCA1 (Breast Cancer gene one) and BRCA2 (Breast Cancer gene two) genes that are passed from parent to children. Normally, these genes help make proteins that repair damaged DNA in normal cells. The mutated versions of these genes, however, can lead to abnormal cell growth that can result in cancer, the expert explained.

Family hory is one of the common contributors to an increased risk of breast cancer. (Photo: Pexels)
“The BRCA and other mutations can be inherited from both father and mother. If the first-degree relative, such as a mother, ser, or daughter, has breast cancer, the risk almost doubles, and having 2 first-degree relatives increases the risk about 3-fold. The risk increases more if multiple family members, on either the mother’s or father’s side of the family, have breast cancer. Hence there should be a detailed assessment of the medical hory including of both sides of the family,” Dr Sujit explained.
While breast cancer is known to be more common in women,  men with the BRCA 1&2 mutations are more likely to get breast cancer as compared to other men. It is always better to know the family health hory to prevent breast or any other cancers, or to detect it earlier when it may be more treatable. “With these gene mutations, the risk of developing other types of cancer also increases, including acute myeloid lymphoma, fallopian tube cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Breast density and BMI are some of the critical factors that affect breast cancer risk and are shown as familial clusters. This could be due to both lifestyle similarities and genetic inheritance between family members,” he informed.
Risk factors
As per the expert, factors that can increase the risk of breast cancer may include sedentary lifestyles, an increase in smoking and alcohol consumption among women, environmental exposures, exogenous hormone factors (hormone replacement therapy and use of oral contraceptives), menstrual factors (early age at menarche and late age at menopause), reproductive factors (late childbearing, nulliparity) excessive consumption of aerated drinks and fast food, obesity, and lack of physical exercise.

Although there is no sure way to prevent breast cancer there are things that help to lower the risk. One of the most important things is early detection which is the key to preventing breast cancer-related deaths. “Self-breast examination help detect any abnormalities like a lump or swelling around the breast, collarbone, or armpit. Regular mammograms will further help to detect tumors that are extremely small and result in a diagnosis at stage zero,” the expert suggested.
Additional lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking and alcohol will help to reduce the risk of breast cancer. “Other preventive measures like daily exercise or work, maintaining an optimum weight, consuming a well-balanced diet, and avoiding junk food will help prevent breast cancer. It is always advisable to discuss with the doctor the risks of contraceptive options and postmenopausal hormone therapy,” said Dr Sujit.
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