
Contrary to popular belief, rice and banana should not be avoided on your weight loss journey

As the age-old understanding goes, certain foods have come to develop a reputation pushing them under the big no-no l when it comes to weight loss. But nature has laid out reasons as to why each one of them holds a vital value on our food plate. So it only seems fair to consciously include them in our diet plan instead of entirely discarding them.
When trying to lose a few kilos, people tend to stay wary of food items such as rice, banana, gluten, dairy products, and mangoes, among several others. But certified dietitian Kiran Kukreja says otherwise. Busting food myths attached to these five items, she ls down their health benefits and explains how they can actually ass one in their weight loss journey. Take a look!

Rice is a rich source of carbohydrates which plays an essential role in energising the body. Keeping that in mind, she suggests changing the way one consumes rice: “Rice is low in fiber content thus we can easily overeat it. To increase the fiber content of rice and decrease the glycemic index of the recipe, you can add lots of vegetables to the rice. Thus, instead of completely eliminating rice you only need to change the way you eat it,” she writes.
Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in wheat, rye, barley, etc. The most common food item in Indian households containing gluten is roti/chapati. On that note, Kukreja says, “There is no scientific evidence that foods with gluten cause more weight gain than other foods. So, do not exclude chapatis from your diet to lose weight.”
Dairy products
Brimming with calcium, dairy products can “boost weight loss increasing fat breakdown in fat cells,” as highlighted the dietitian. She also suggests avoiding “packaged/factory refined dairy.”
Running late for work? Bananas come super-handy and ensure to make you feel full. So it’s safe to say resorting to bananas for a quick breakfast has exed for a long time and according to Kukreja, they even help you stay in shape.
“Bananas are actually good for weight loss because they have a good amount of fiber thus slowing down digestion. Research has found that increasing fiber intake can reduce the risk of weight gain up to 30%. Eat up to one banana a day as part of a healthy diet for weight loss,” she recommends.
Suggesting consumption of mangoes in a controlled manner, she notes, “Phytochemicals present in mangoes have been proven to suppress fat-producing cells. Mangoes are also high in calories but also it is extremely high in dietary fiber and water, which promotes digestive health. Thus, have mangoes in portion control.”
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