
Dermatolog shares ingredients that are ‘disaster for your skin’

Taking care of your skin, especially during the summer season, is of utmost importance. While most follow the basic CTM — cleansing, toning and mourising — routine, along with sunscreen, others prefer experimenting with varied skincare ingredients for added benefits.
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However, not every ingredient is beneficial for your skin. On the contrary, many commonly-suggested skincare products can end up damaging your skin, doing more harm than good. As such, dermatolog Dr Geetika Mittal Gupta led a few such skincare ingredients that are “a disaster for your skin”.

Red flag these ingredients in your skincare, according to the dermatolog.
Pure essential oils
The expert shared that some essential oils — like rose and lavender — contain compounds like geraniol, which is a common cause of contact dermatitis. “Only choose products with essential oil extracts within antioxidant-rich carrier oils to avoid problematic skin reaction,” she suggested.
Coconut oil
A common item found in Indian households, coconut oil is a strict no-no for your skin. According to Dr Gupta, “This is one of the most comedogenic oils out there. It can make breakouts worse clogging surrounding pores on your face.”

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
It is a common cleansing agent and is usually found in shampoos, cleansers and body washes. However, if not washed off properly, it can make your skin dehydrated and reduce the levels of ceramide.
The expert explained that some essential oils — like rose and lavender — contain compounds like geraniol, which is a common cause of contact dermatitis. (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)
A common skincare ingredient — used as a preservative in cosmetic products — paraben is harmful to your skin. “Examples include methylparaben, propylparaben, isopropylparaben, and isobutylparaben.”

The dermatolog shared that silicones, which are commonly found in mourisers and serums, leave your skin looking plump and smooth. However, they do not aid skin health and only give a temporary, surface effect.
“Remember, always speak to your doctor before you try a new skincare ingredient/product/treatment,” Dr Gupta suggested.
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