
Does high-protein grilled chicken help you lose weight?

Should I weigh myself often? Is that obsessive?
Keeping a track of weight is very important but do that weekly. If you want to lose weight, losing about 5 to 10 per cent of your current weight over six months is recommended. However, do not stress if there are minor shifts week after week. It could be due to the volume of water.
Should I drink water before meals to lose weight faster?Drinking water is important for hydration. Although some individuals attempting weight loss drink water before meals to kill hunger pangs, there is a lack of research data supporting this practice. There are certain conditions where excess water intake is contraindicated like kidney disease and cardiac failure.
Can I have all the grilled chicken I want and still lose weight?No. Undoubtedly, grilled chicken is an excellent source of protein, low in fat and is nutrient dense. An 85 gm portion of skinless, boneless chicken breast yields just 102 calories. A high-protein diet is very effective in weight loss, both in the short and long-term. But portion control is very important. Moderation is the key for a healthy weight loss.
Should I skip dinner if I have a heavy lunch?No. When you skip dinner, it increases the period of fasting and has been associated with lower energy levels and nutrient deficiencies. It is going to have negative effects on the body leading to weight gain. Besides, if you make radical changes in your diet, you are more likely to hit the refrigerator at odd hours and undo all the good.
Should I plan every meal for weight loss?Absolutely yes.• Weight loss occurs when you properly plan the meals and eat less calories than normal.• Make smart food options including whole grains, vegetables, fruits and lean meats.• Limit the intake of sugar.• Use low fat cooking methods.• Plan snacking alternatives, that’s when you feel the pinch the most.• Increase physical activity.

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