
Expert shares five healthy eating habits that you must normalise

Inculcating healthy eating habits is quintessential to leading a healthy lifestyle. After all, you are what and how you eat! From early dinners to not feeling shy about eating clean or dieting, we must normalise these habits to remain fit and active. As such, nutrition Rashi Chowdhary discussed a few such unpopular habits that you must not be conscious of adopting and following regularly.
Carrying your own snack
“Carrying your own snack when it’s snack time rather than having a full meal as a snack just because your friend feels like eating it might not be the best thing you can do for yourself if you’re trying to reach some goals/eat better etc,” she said.
Carrying snacks may help you from eating big meals. (Photo: Freepik)
Being on diet
You should not feel shy about admitting that you are on a diet or trying to lose weight or trying to reverse PCOS, or eating clean. “Being honest is good for your mental health as well,” she said.

Having 2 cups of black coffee a day to curb appetite naturally
According to the expert, 250 mg of caffeine is good for your heart and is loaded with antioxidants. “If you feel jittery or anxious, then don’t have it. Also, don’t have it as the first thing in the morning, maybe do decaf or have your fat first without the coffee,” she suggested.

Modifying your meals at restaurants
Most restaurants don’t mind you making some modifications to your meal. “I always ask for extra veggies, no corn in my salad or do you have sourdough in your bread basket instead of regular? Since I do eat out a lot, modifying my meals has really helped me stay on track!” she revealed.

Having early dinners
According to the nutrition, having dinner early is a game changer. Even if you can’t do this daily, try doing it 3-4 times a week. “It will help in not stimulating your cortisol, it will help in melatonin production and help you sleep better,” she said.
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