
Five important things to look out for when choosing a sunscreen for yourself

Sun protection in skincare is not one-size-fits-all. A new entrant to popular beauty trends, and rightfully so, the benefits of wearing sunscreen has now taken over social media conversations. Dermatologs and beauty influencers recommend it to ensure maximum protection for your skin.

However, amidst several discussions, it may get confusing for you to choose the right sunscreen for yourself. As such, we have led out a few important pointers for you to remember while purchasing sunscreen. Take a look.
Use a sunscreen suitable for your skin type
A skincare regimen is usually dependent on how your skin is– normal, combination, dry, oily or sensitive. You should choose your sunscreen based on what your skin needs the most. Those with dry skin should wear a sunblock that’s hydrating and contains broad-spectrum protection to keep away UV rays while oily or combination skin types should opt for chemical or gel-based sunscreens that will keep the skin hydrated and fresh.
You should remember to apply sunscreen every day and “not forget the eyelids, ears, back of the neck, back of the hands and tops of your feet” according to Dermatolog Dr Geetika Mittal Gupta.

Look through the ingredients l
It seems daunting, but a quick glance at the ingredients l of the sunscreen may save you hours of regret later! Sunscreens are usually divided into two broad categories– physical and chemical. Physical or mineral sunscreens contain minerals such as zinc oxide that reflect the sun rays from your skin while chemical sunscreens contain chemical compounds which help with broad-spectrum protection. Both types need to be re-applied in order to maintain the efficacy of the products.
Learn how to incorporate sunscreen into your make-up
A tinted sunscreen that can double up as a mourizer is a game changer. As ‘clean beauty’ is now one of the most popular make-up trends doing the rounds, a tinted sunscreen will make way for the perfect base for the rest of the subtle make-up to follow. While researching to buy your next sunscreen, consider swapping it with one of your favourite BB creams or light coverage foundation.
Water-resant formula
If you are wondering if you should look for water resance in your sunscreen, then you are absolutely right! Even though you may not have swimming in your l of activities lined up during the day, a water-resant formula will ensure that a sudden shower of rain or sweat doesn’t leave you exposed to harmful sun rays. To take it off at the end of the day, use the ‘double cleansing method’— an oil-based cleanser, followed a gentle gel-based cleanser.

Pay attention to SPF
Healthline quoted a recent study that showed that SPF 100, when compared with SPF 50, makes a significant difference in protecting your skin against sun damage. At the very least, a sunscreen with SPF 30 will be able to protect your skin, but only with rigorous re-application.

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