
Here’s how you can ‘help your skin glow and become radiant’ without using any products

Acne, blemishes, dryness, and irritation are some skin concerns that have become extremely common these days, thanks to pollution and certain unhealthy lifestyle habits. While many believe that you must indulge in an elaborate skincare routine to combat these issues, turns out a few lifestyle tweaks are actually what you just need.
Explaining the same, dermatolog Dr Geetika Mittal Gupta wrote on Instagram, “You don’t always need skincare to care for your skin. There’s a lot that you can do in your daily routine that will help your skin glow and become radiant naturally.”
As such, to give your skin a natural glow, the expert shared some easy-to-follow daily habits that you must include in your lifestyle.
Take a look

*Satin pillowcase: Due to reduced friction, using a satin or silk pillowcase helps minimise wrinkles and fine lines on the face.
*Water: We can’t stress enough the importance of drinking plenty of water. “At least eight glasses a day is a must to remove toxins and promote a healthy glow,” she said.
*Sleep: According to the dermatolog, you need seven hours of sleep. Sleeping helps promote skin cell growth and rejuvenation, and ensures better collagen production. “After all, it’s called beauty sleep for a reason.”

*Stress: Stress management is crucial to getting clear and glowing skin. She suggested, “Resort to exercise, yoga, and meditation to reduce your cortisol levels and increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables for better antioxidant activities.”
*Makeup brushes: To reduce the chances of pimples and skin infections, don’t forget to use only clean and disinfected makeup brushes.
However, experts always stress the need to identify your skin type — oily, dry, sensitive — and understand its concerns, if any. Doing so will not only help solve the problems from the root but also prevent certain new ones. Additionally, before trying any new skincare products, do not forget to do a patch test to avoid any allergies or flare-ups.
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