
Here’s what to do if you are missing your periods regularly

Irregular periods may be common, but instead of ignoring the problem, it is essential to identify the root cause(s) and begin treatment for the same.

“Irregular periods are not normal. Do not go random pieces of advice telling you that irregularity in periods is fine and will get cured automatically after marriage or with time. A lot of this advice might have worked fine in certain contexts decades back. But, not anymore in today’s world where 6 out of 10 women are suffering from issues like PCOD. It is a result of hormonal durbances. Hormones such as estrogen and progesterone can disrupt the normal pattern of your period. This can be due to several lifestyle issues,” nutrition Nidhi S took wrote on Instagram.

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Irregular periods can be a result of certain lifestyle habits like: 
*Bad eating habits*Improper sleep cycle*High level of stress*Consumption of processed food*Might be due to some medication too, she stressed

What you should do if you are missing your periods?
*Visit a gynecolog and carry out the required investigation*Try to reduce stress or handle it through exercise, yoga and meditation*Have nutritious meals with good amount of protein in each meal*Sleep well and try to align your circadian cycle with the natural sun cycle. Try to wake up early and sleep early. It’s an easy way to get better sleep due to high amount of sun exposure in the morning and throughout the day*Eating when the sun is out results in better digestion. So make sure to finish your dinner 7 pmBest of Express PremiumPremiumPremiumPremiumPremium
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