
In case you are making these 5 skincare makes, it is time to stop

The skin is the largest organ in the body, but a lot of people are guilty of not taking care of it. Just like other organs, the skin also needs care and attention, and a proper routine every day.
It should, however, be kept in mind that in order to keep it healthy and to help the skin achieve its full potential, one need not overdo things. In fact, they must stay wary of a bad skincare regime that can have adverse effects.
What are these skincare makes? Cetaphil’s team of sensitive skincare experts shared some blunders that can prevent you from achieving healthy skin; read on.

1. Touching your face: Whether consciously or unconsciously, we tend to touch our face frequently, often with filthy hands. When we do that, we transfer some germs onto our face, creating a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Constantly touching the face may prevent the skin from receiving the right amount of moure, leading to breakouts.
2. Unprotected sun exposure: The biggest error we make is going outside without sun protection. We also ignore sunscreen when it is cloudy outside or when we are at home. Sun damage accumulates over time, eventually becoming evident. To protect itself from the damaging effects of the sun, the skin increases its production of melanin, which causes pigmentation.
The biggest error we make is going outside without sun protection. We also ignore sunscreen when it is cloudy outside or when we are at home. (Photo: Getty/Thinkstock)
3. Too much exfoliation: Exfoliating frequently worsens the health of skin. Dryness, flakiness, inflammation, or burning are some side effects. To save your skin from this catastrophe, try to exfoliate it once a week to remove dead skin cells from the top layer.

4. Washing your face more than needed: If you have oily skin, you may think cleansing is what your skin needs, but you should not wash your face more than twice a day as doing so may dry it out. When you rid your face of all the moure and oils, it tries to regain it, making its sebum production work in overdrive, causing more oil and more acne.
5. Applying products incorrectly: Incorrect application of skincare products not only reduces their efficiency but also poses a risk to your skin. Start with the thinnest consency skincare products and work your way up to thicker or creamier ones. If you apply mouriser after sunscreen, the sunscreen may melt or shift, causing UV damage.
What do you think of these tips?
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