
What Ayurveda says about sipping on warm water first thing in the morning

Some people prefer a hot cup of tea or coffee, while many others like to sip on lemon water after waking up. But is there a recommended way to kickstart one’s day to ensure overall health and fitness? Here’s what ayurvedic practitioner Dr Dixa Bhavsar suggests — starting one’s day with a glass of warm water,  “unless you suffer from hyperacidity, ulcers, excessive heat issues, and emaciation”.

“You’ll never regret sipping on Ushnodaka (warm water) first thing in the morning,” Dr Bhavsar wrote in an Instagram post.
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“Especially during travelling, sipping on warm water first thing in the morning works magically for you,” she added.
How does it help?
*It helps you clear bowels with ease.*Keeps your cravings at bay.*Helps you stay light, keeps you away from bloating and gastric issues.*Improves your appetite.*Keeps your skin clear.*”And the best part is it keeps you away from gaining weight due to the food you eat during travelling (as it helps you burn calories),” she noted.

What is the ideal temperature?
Ayurveda suggests three different temperatures for drinking boiled water, depending on the body/dosha type.
– Kapha can sip the water hot. This reduces the toxic build-up to which kapha type skin is prone.
– Pitta types should cool down the boiled water to body temperature and then sip on it. Pitta types must be careful to avoid hot temperatures.
– Vata types can drink the water warm, avoiding hot and cold. Their cool, dry skin needs warm-temperature water for hydration, to clear the channels and burn ama (undigested food).
“So in every way, sipping on warm water in the morning is best for you if you want to lose/maintain your weight, improve your metabolism, relieve constipation, and bloating and keep your skin clear,” added Dr Bhavsar.
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