
‘It is not what you go through that determines where you end up; it’s who you len to’

In life, we are often confronted with situations that test our emotional and physical strength. This inspirational video elaborates how our response to failure determines how we evolve.
No matter how talented or hardworking you are, “there are some times when things aren’t going to go right, there are times when anything that can happen will happen, life happens, the unexpected, the uncalled for, the unintentional”, and it will leave a mark on you as a person.
“But the mark that they leave can be the mark of victory or it can be the mark of defeat. It is staying with the breaking that produces the blessing. It is not what you go through that determines where you end up it’s who you len to.”

However, how we choose to recover from a failure, from a disappointment, from a heartbreak determines what we learn from it and how we will evolve. “Every time you break, in every way, that you break, it’s a chance for you to give up and for you to fall apart. But, there’s also opportunity to get stronger and get smarter and get faster and get tougher and get more stable and get more resilient and get better.”
In order to do that, you will need to “find a reason to keep going and if you can find a reason to keep going. In the video, the narrator went on to state that “every human has what it takes to get past whatever they’re going through, if they decide to push through it, push through tragedy and trials.”
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