CG News

Key responsibility entrusted on sons of farmers: Baghel

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Bhagel on Thursday said the responsibility of making agriculture a mode of creating wealth has been put on the shoulders of the sons of farmers.

Those entrusted have been associated with agriculture for years, and their priority will be the welfare and prosperity of the farmers, he said. Baghel was virtually addressing the investiture ceremony of office bearers of the newly appointed Chairman and members of the Chhattisgarh State Seeds and Agriculture Development Corp. The government has appointed Agni Chandrakar as chairman and Jalam Singh Patel, Dilip Pandey and Shankar Baghel as members, an official communication said.

Baghel said that for the betterment of agriculture and farmers, a lot of work is needed.

He said he hoped the new office bearers will make ensure the production of good quality seeds for various crops.

Agriculture Minister Ravindra Choubey said there is a need for the state to attain self-sufficiency in seed production.

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