
Fitness alert: Ankita Konwar performs one of her ‘favourite asanas’; shares benefits

There are many ways you can work on your fitness — from striking a perfect balance in your diet and lifestyle to keeping your body active and agile. And, what better than yoga to maintain overall well-being? As such, Ankita Konwar, who regularly sets fitness goals with her workouts, is a yoga enthusiast and relies on varied asanas to reap the many health benefits associated with them.
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Recently, the 30-year-old took to Instagram reveal one of her “favourite” yoga asanas, with a picture of her performing the same. Wondering what is it? It’s Parsvakonasana or the Extended Side Angle Pose.
Sharing the many benefits of the asana, she wrote, “It’s a great stretch for groins, spine, wa and shoulders.”Best of Express PremiumPremiumPremiumPremiumPremium
Take look.

How to perform?
Steadfast Nutrition Athlete Akanksha Thapliyal Yogini shared the step–step method of performing this pose.

Stand in Tadasana. Now, keep your legs 4-4.5 feet apart.
Raise the arm sideways in line with shoulders and palms facing down.
Exhale and turn the right foot 90 degrees to the right, and bend the right knee to a 90 degree. Keep the left leg straight.
Place the right palm on the floor the side of the right foot so that the right armpit touches the right knee.
Stretch the left arm straight over the left ear.
Tighten the hamstrings and balance the weight stretching the spine.
Come back and repeat on the other side.

Benefits of Parsvakonasana
The yoga expert added this asana has the following benefits.
*The asana tones ankles, knees and thighs*Corrects defects in the calves and thighs*Relieves sciatic and arthritis pain*Helps digestion*Reduces fats around wa and hips

Who should avoid?
While it is known to have many benefits, following people should avoid performing Parsvakonasana.
*Pregnant women*People with recent stomach surgeries or knees surgery*People with extreme arthritis pain*Avoid when the pain is already there in the body
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