
‘Sers, not twins’: What a doctor says about having different sizes of breasts

Breast sizes vary from person to person. But did you know that your breasts can vary in size from each other as well? Although experts call it ‘normal’, one must be careful in case of a sudden change in breast sizes.
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Recently Dr Tanaya, popularly known as dr_cuterus on Instagram, took to the platform to share a post wherein she talked about uneven breast sizes. “It is totally normal for one of the boobs to be larger than the other. Usually, for most people, it is the left breast but if your right breast is bigger than your right breast, that is also normal,” she said in the video.
She added that the difference can be as large as one cup size, but went on to caution that in case of a sudden change in the size of breasts, then one must consult a doctor. Playing with words she said, “Breasts are sers, not twins.”

Agreed Dr Neha Gupta, Senior Consultant – Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Fortis Hospital Noida and said, “various factors can affect the size of the breast, including hormonal changes, puberty, and trauma.”

“But, if you notice irregular changes in your breasts — in size, density, or shape — which were not there earlier, or any bloody discharge from the nipple or soreness and puckering on the skin overlying the breast, then you should see a doctor,” Dr Gupta told .
However, if the breasts have always been uneven in size then there is nothing to worry. Dr Gupta added that the size of the breast is not likely to make any difference to breastfeeding nor increases the risk of cancer. “If the size of the breast is asymmetric at end of puberty, then it is likely to stay that way,” she said, adding that while there is no medical reason to treat them, cosmetic surgery can be done to correct any bothersome difference in breast size.

Further, stressing on the need to get any new changes checked, Dr Gupta said that mammography is used to screen for breast cancers, however in young women “ultrasound of the breast can identify any benign lesion and further biopsy can rule out any malignant changes.”
Urging women to do a self-examination of the breasts, Dr Gupta said, “Every woman should know how her breast looks and feel so that she can seek opinion for any changes noticed.” Family hory of breast cancer, obesity, and alcohol among others are some of the risk factors for breast cancer, Dr Gupta said.
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