
Things to avoid during summers, according to an Ayurvedic expert

With the temperature hitting the apogee of the thermometer this summer, there are high possibilities of developing diseases, health disorders and seasonal infections as the immunity takes a hit during these months. In this case, it becomes essential to note what we should restrain from doing so as to remain healthy.
In an Instagram post, Ayurveda special Dr Dixa Bhavsar outlines in detail what Ayurveda recommends avoiding during the summer to avoid sunstroke and other summer disorders including diarrhoea, hypotension (low blood pressure), dehydration, acidity, headaches, burning sensations, and so on.


Using copper utensils
According to the expert, drinking water stored in a copper vessel, which is generally considered effective in nature, should be highly avoided during the summers. The reason for the same is that it is heating. “Especially people with acidity, inflammation, migraine, heat issues should avoid it. Opt for water stored in earthen and silver vessels instead,” she added.
Consuming curd
Antithetical to what is the larger perception, the expert mentioned that curd is inherently heating. During summers, our digestion is weaker and since curd is difficult to digest, she suggests to opt for better options like buttermilk and lassi.

Exercising excessively
Exercise, undoubtedly, is primal on a daily basis to stay fit. However, the expert said excessive exercise leads to draining of energy and since the energy level is low due to high temperatures, it should be prohibited.
She wrote, “Excess exertion can lead to dehydration, fatigue & hypotension. So best to avoid excessive exercise and indulge more in calming yoga and pranayamas.”
Sun exposure during the day
Daily exposure to sunlight is beneficial- it helps us produce vitamin D, happy hormones, improves our mood and sleep, and regulates our circadian rhythm, among other things. However, exposing yourself to the sun in the afternoon can cause “sunstroke, dry skin, burning sensation on skin, headache, dehydration, diarrhoea, etc,” according to the expert.
“During summers, it’s recommended to get morning sunlight preferably before 8 am and evening sunlight post 5 pm,” she added.
Caffeine and carbonated beverages
The expert wrote, “Caffeine creates more heat in the body leading to more inflammation. So instead, it’s recommended to have herbal cooling teas during summers. Carbonated beverages worsen dehydration & makes you feel more thirsty. They also contain sugar which leads to more weight gain (more calories) and lethargy. ”
Natural coolants such as bael sharbat, fennel sharbat, vetiver water, and coriander water are better alternatives that keep us cool and even healthier.
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