
Two simple ways you can overcome rejection and make it the ‘greatest catalyst to your success’

Rejection is seen as a stumbling block in one’s road to success, but motivational speaker Darryll Stinson believes it can be used as a source of inspiration. In his powerful yet comforting TEDx Talk, the mental health advocate shared some personal experiences that shaped him, and also opened up about how perceiving rejection differently actually changed his life. 
“You remember the last time you felt rejected? …Maybe it was a boss who overlooked you for a promotion, or someone in your life who never thought you were good enough, no matter what you did to try to impress them,” Darryll said, adding that “we all know rejection hurts, stings, and makes us feel like we are not good enough. But I submit to you that rejection is something you shouldn’t be afraid of. Rather, rejection is our friend,” as he proceeded to share two ways that will help “leverage those moments of pain to be the greatest catalyst to your success and prove our value and uniqueness.”

1) Start seeing rejection as projection, a psychological projection, a projection of someone’s own fears and insecurities onto another person. When we realise that the rejections we face have more to do with a person’s own psychological inward turmoil and not our value, our lives will change. Only because someone doesn’t know how to be their unique self, they project their insecurities onto someone else. Sometimes talking bad about others makes people feel better about themselves. Properly handling rejection is crucial. 
2) Start seeing rejection as protection. Protection from something or someone that isn’t meant to be in our lives anymore, he said as she talked a personal experience that made him realise that the rejection he was facing was indeed protecting him from a career and life that wasn’t meant for him. 

“I wonder what your life would look like if you went back into your moments of rejection and analysed those moments, and reframed them as protection of projection. I wonder if very beneath your pain is treasure that you can cash in. I wonder if the next level of your success is locked beneath your most painful moment of rejection. 
I started asking you, when was the last time you felt rejected? And now I’ll end asking you, what are you going to do with it?” he said, concluding his stirring talk. 
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