
When is Durga Navami in 2022 in India?

Durga Navami 2022 Date in India: Mahanavami is the third and final day of Durga Puja. It is also the final day of worship before Vijaya Dashami, the end of Navratri. In South India, Maha Navami may be observed as Ayudha Puja or Astra Puja.
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Durga Puja on Maha Navami begins with Mahasnan and Shodashopachar Puja. Legend has it that on Maha Navami, Goddess Durga is worshipped as Mahisasuramardini which means the annihilator of the Buffalo demon. It is believed that on Maha Navami day, Durga killed the demon Mahishasura. This year, it falls on October 4, 2022.

According to, it is important to note that depending on starting time of Navami Tithi on previous day, Maha Navami Puja and Upavas might be done on Ashtami Tithi. The precise rule is that if Ashtami and Navami merge before Sanyakal on Ashtami Tithi then Ashtami Puja and Navami Puja including Sandhi Puja are done on the same day, it noted.
It also stated that Durga Balidan is always done on Uday Vyapini Navami Tithi. According to Nirnaysindhu, the most appropriate time to perform Balidan on Navami is Aparahna Kaal. “Navami Homa is performed on Maha Navami and it is the significant ritual during Durga Puja. The best time to perform homa is at the end of Navami Puja,” the site noted.
While Mahalaya marks the start of the Durga Puja festival, Maha Saptami which falls on the seventh day (saptami) of Durga Puja, the goddess started her epic battle against Mahishasura. Durga Ashtami is the eighth day of Durga Puja celebrations when the weapons used Durga are worshipped. Vijaya Dashami or the tenth day of Navratri or Durgotsav commemorates this victory.
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