
Why men must seek immediate medical help on showing symptoms like difficulty in passing urine, blood in semen

Prostate cancer is one of the common cancers that affect men. According to Indian Council of Medical Research‘s (ICMR) Clinicopathological Profile of Cancers in India: A Report of the Hospital Based Cancer Regries, 2021, prostate cancer in males was higher in those over 65 years, and the proportion of dant metastasis (or cancer that has spread from the primary tumour to dant organs) was 42.9 per cent after lung cancer (49.2 per cent males and 55.5 per cent females), and gall bladder cancer (40.9 per cent males and 45.7 per cent females).
However, those affected may rarely showcase any symptoms at an early stage, said Dr S K Pal, Urolog, Apollo Spectra Delhi, Nehru Enclave, adding that there are certain “red flags” that should not be missed. “You need to seek immediate medical attention upon noticing any of these symptoms,” he said.
As such, this Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, observed annually in September, read on to know more about this type of cancer.
What is prostate?
The prostate is a small walnut-sized gland situated in the pelvic region of a man next to the bladder. It is known to carry out a lot of important functions like producing the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports the sperm.
But despite prostate cancer being one of the most common cancers in the male population, many cases go unrecognised till a late stage, because it hardly produces significant symptoms till it has extensively spread to the bones or other organs of the body. “This happens due to the lack of awareness, tendency to ignore minor symptoms, self-denial, and avoidance of annual health check-ups till serious problems start and cause significant durbances in passing urine,” explained Dr Pal.

The causes of this type of cancer are not known yet, but its genetic predisposition has been established. “Occurrence of prostate cancer is 10 times more common in men with a family hory of the disease as compared to the normal population. Hence, awareness and early diagnosis are key to tackling it,” Dr Pal said.
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Signs and symptoms
*A painful or burning sensation while urination or ejaculation
*Frequent urination mostly during the night: If you happen to make frequent trips to the bathroom during the night then be alert. It can be just an age-related enlargement of the prostate gland or even prostate cancer. Just a simple blood test of measuring serum PSA will differentiate between them.
*Difficulty stopping or starting urination
*Blood in urine or semen
*Other symptoms of this cancer include sudden retention and total inability to pass urine, loss of bladder control, swelling in the pelvic region, and bone pain and easy fractures of the bone with minor injuries or otherwise.
Consider these signs and symptoms when it comes to prostate cancer (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)
A complete body examination will be done to look for unusual symptoms such as lumps. The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test can be beneficial in diagnosing prostate cancer. A digital rectal exam (DRE) can also be done to confirm if one has cancer. Along with this, a transrectal biopsy can be helpful too.
Once the diagnosis is confirmed, you will have to initiate the treatment on an immediate basis. Treatment options are based on several factors such as type and stage of cancer, possible side effects, and the patient’s overall well-being and life expectancy, said Dr Pal.

The first step is to confirm appropriate tests that this cancer is still localised within the prostate gland or has already spread to bones, lymph nodes, lungs or other parts of the body. If the cancer is found to be localised within the confines of the prostate gland, this is still a good news because appropriate radical surgery can still offer cure.
“In other cases, hormone therapy, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy may be initiated to help one to fight cancer. High-intensity focused ultrasound directs high-energy sound waves at cancer cells and is also used in some cases of prostate cancer. Hormone therapy tends to block the cancer cells from getting the hormones they need to grow. A radical prostatectomy means the surgical removal of the entire prostate. Robotic or laparoscopic radical prostatectomy is less invasive with a shorter recovery period,” Dr Pal informed.
Along with treatment, one will have to embrace a healthy lifestyle.
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