
Women Must Focus On Themselves Too!

Women are constantly juggling priorities at work and home. Right from working on that critical report for the boss to keeping hyperactive children at home under control, multi-tasking every day takes a toll on the mental and physical health of women. The pandemic made the situation all the more appalling, with the duality of responsibilities increasing emotional and physical issues. 
Women, albeit, have come far, overcoming societal impediments. Although women have equal opportunities in the work place, their role at home hasn’t completely diminished. Playing the role of a caregiver or cook hasn’t been averted for the better in many instances. 
Most of the women who are forced to multi-task are in the age group of 32 to 58 years. A survey titled ‘multi-tasking seriously affecting corporate women’s health’ was conducted the Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry to mark International Women’s Day on March 8. The survey found that 75 per cent of the total sample size of 2,800 corporate women employees suffer from lifestyle, chronic and acute ailments. These included obesity, depression, chronic backache, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart and kidney diseases.
It is of no doubt that a perfect work-life balance is a bitter facade. Prioritizing one’s daily responsibilities and working to put more effort and time into one particular practice than the other, is a more sustainable and a more practical way of working through dual roles at home and at work. 
It is important for women to express and articulate themselves especially in times of sorrow. Not only does this relieve them of mental strain but also allows them to adapt to changes and accept that they are human and not everything they do may go to plan. 
It is also pivotal for women to take time for themselves. They can meditate, watch a movie, practice yoga, workout, or do anything to keep their mind off the surmounting tasks for the day. 
Women must stay connected with the people that matter to them and bring them joy, be it children, relatives or friends.
Above all, they must ask for help. It is important to reach out to the people around them including specials, friends and members of the family. Health as enshrined in the primal accord of the WHO is the state of physical, mental and social wellbeing and it is important to maintain such wellbeing whilst effectively balancing work-life. BirthRight Rainbow Hospitals offers well women package to facilitate the preventive health check ups for women of all ages.
Dr Varalakshmi Nandyala, Gynecology and Obstetrics, BirthRight Rainbow Hospitals
Dr Varalakshmi Nandyala
Consultant – Obstetrics and Gynecology
BirthRight Rainbow Hospitals, Kondapur, Hyderabad

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