
‘You are defined what you’re doing next, not what you’ve left behind’: Priyanka Chopra

In an interview with YouTuber Ranveer Allahbadia, actor Priyanka Chopra talked about how curious she is for what’s coming next and what values she finds necessary to inculcate in her life.

“You are defined what you’re doing next, not what you’ve left behind. You should think what am I going to do next that’s going to be different. There’s no point in doing the same thing over and over again. You have to take risks. They are so important in evolution. Playing it safe, you’ll have an exence but you’ll never be someone who’s a trailblazer,” she said.

The Sky is Pink actor elaborated that she belonged to a small town and had aspirations and determination to achieve something in life. She said her purpose in life is the pursuit of excellence in anything she does. “I don’t like doing anything less than perfect,” she said.

Discipline is one of the most significant factors that pertains to achieving success in the long term. Citing the importance of discipline in life, Priyanka said people often confuse discipline with punctuality. In reality, discipline is being prepared, in training yourself for the better. She added, “Discipline is riyaaz, discipline is knowing that if I’m doing a job, I’m going to give it my 120 per cent.”
She shared that smiling through everything was something she learned from her dad, which became an anchor for her career. “He always taught me, don’t be afraid of failure, what you do next after failure is what will define you. Failure is going to happen to everyone. Instead of sitting on your hands and saying I can’t do it again, find the courage to say, what can I do differently? How do you look back at your make and say I’m not going to do that again is what I’ve learned from my dad.”

The importance of taking care of mental health has gained prominence today. The actor shared about how she dealt with her mental health issue post her father’s death and during the period of her struggle while entering Hollywood. “I told myself to allow myself to feel it, accept it. I think you have to reach a place of acceptance of the fact that it’s okay to feel that way instead of beating yourself up about it.”
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