
Zodiac alert: What’s in store for Libra in 2022?

People with Libra as their sun sign are extroverts and friendly but at the same time, they are very diplomatic too. They like peace and balance and are said to be excellent with their persuasive skills.
If you are a Libran then here is what the rest of 2022 has in store for you as predicted renowned astrologer Pandit Jagannath Guruji.
Professional lifeWho does not experience ups and downs in a workplace? And your work scenario is no different. You will get appreciated for your hard work but there may be some colleagues who will envy you for this. However, being a Libran you will manage to handle it all. Stay away from office gossip especially in December because that will pull you down.

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Love lifeSingle people will be in a happy place in an emotional sense even if they do not meet their soulmate. Those who are dating someone may just decide to propose. Married couples will have a very fulfilling relationship until the year-end. You will discover new things about each other and you will drop your diplomacy to balance your relationship with your spouse.
Academic lifeYou are doing fine in your career but what you need is a good mentor to help you and guide you in the right direction. You may want to take up another course to add to your CV.
Financial statusMore savings will not hurt to prep for the festive seasons and the coming year. Impulsive shopping is rare in your case but if you want to, keep a small budget for it and try not to spend on something big unless necessary. Gold may be a good investment.

HealthA changing season in addition to the winter cold may take a toll on your respiratory system but nothing very serious. Add healthy herbs in water and soups made at home to boost your immunity. Get a yearly checkup, if due, done as it will help avoid a serious problem foreseen towards the end of November. Work stress is a lot and you need to find ways to tackle that. Go easy if you have to.
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