
Zodiac alert: What’s in store for Virgo in 2022?

Virgo is an Earth sign and people belonging to this sun sign are known to be practical and analytical, thriving on a particular system in life. If you are a Virgo and want to know what your future in the coming months looks like, we have got you covered.
Pandit Jagannath Guruji, a celebrity astrologer, gave us the low-down on various aspects of Virgo’s life including professional, personal, financial, and health.
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Professional lifeUps and downs in professional life are obvious, but nothing very serious will happen. Just keep doing hard work and you shall reap the benefits, too. The results will be better if you keep calm and do not get hyper. Some people may try to take undue advantage of you at work so beware.

Love lifeWhen it comes to your love life, it may suffer a little because you will be swamped with work. Work stress may affect your love life. It is suggested to take trips and spend time with your partner and family. Do not let the romance die between you and your partner.
Academic lifeYou know what you want and yet you confuse yourself. Don’t waste your time else you may miss the bus. Studying abroad is a good idea but it will be a risk. In case you have to go then take up a course for a few months as it will add value to the jobs you may want to do later.
Financial statusMoney seems to be no issue for you as you have saved enough. If you are a student, your parents have a backup plan for you which will come in handy only when there is an emergency. Those working may need to invest more (PF or even gold). Diwali may bring in more luck for you.

HealthYou may suffer from a lot of stress related pains. Migraines too cannot be ruled out. Your body may require a break, so a good sleep of at least 8 hours is very important. Do not consume alcohol as it may become a reason for your downfall, which can ruin all the above aspects of your life and bring you to zero.
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