
How can you build stronger connections in life? Find out

Robert Reffkin, an entrepreneur, shared some ingenious tips to build genuine relationships in workplaces, which are driven totally tech. We communicate only through emails and text messages, which has made us impersonal and dant. In ‘The Way We Work’ segment of Ted Talks, he explained five things one should do to build authentic connections on the job.

The first one is ‘write a handwritten note on a letter’. Especially, the ones where you have to show gratitude or thank someone for his or her advice to you. It’s the personal note that always touches the heart.
The second one is ‘pick up the phone and dial’. Especially, when you are welcoming a new employee into your company, you make him feel invited as well as set the tone in right earnest of what you want your company to be.
The third one is ‘ask interesting and meaningful questions’, especially when you are travelling to different locations of your company. Positive questions like, ‘what is your underlying motivation’ or ‘what was the one thing you are proud of that you achieved last month?’
These conversations lead to your colleagues opening up and building personal bonds which help them to connect better when they are back in office.

The fourth is ‘answer questions with honesty.’ Even mundane questions asked in the elevator like, ‘how was your weekend?’ if answered with an honest response, can connect you to people in a genuine manner.
And the fifth is ‘always turn the video on’. Video conferences are better than phone calls. That’s when real personalities come out and show that you are there in the moment. Facial expressions with voice always communicate better then just voice.
He summed it up saying that these small things can build long-lasting ties with colleagues, which can prompt you to take bigger risks in your business with an assurance that there a pool of loyal, committed employees behind you to manage the outcomes.
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